Wednesday, February 1, 2012

P52 Week 4 - Self Portrait

Although I am getting more and more comfortable with my digital SLR, I have to admit I still miss my 1970s manual terribly. I just felt like I was in more control. It was my friend. My good old friend. I understood it better. But, I'm moving on and I'm using a photo challenge to help me. See the details of what I'll be doing here and if anyone wants to join me - that would be awesome.

I've missed the first 3 weeks since I just stumbled upon it, but I don't mind jumping in. The assignment this week is Self Portrait.

I practically have to beg people to take pictures in order to prove my existence. If you look at the pictures since Zoe was born 8 months ago, 85% are of her, 14% are of her with other people, and I'm lucky if I'm in 1% of them. When I do end up in the pictures, I'm not super happy with how I look (which I like to blame on the photographer). So more than just the assignment of self portrait, I added the extra assignment of not fussing over it. No doing my make-up or hair. No taking 40 pictures to find the best one. I said I would give myself 3 shots (for set-up, lighting, and appropriate exposure) and I'd have to take one of those.